Dienst van SURF
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People with voice problems can seek advice and therapy from a speech-language pathologist. Besides having problems with the speaking voice, a number of them are also amateur choristers. In addition to her standard examination, the speech-language pathologist has to specifically describe the use of the singing voice during choral singing and to assess the amount of mutual influence of speaking and singing voice. In therapy, a healthy phonation is learned. In today's practice, the therapist tends to confine herself to training the sepaking voice. It is known that pitch variation influences phonation. As pitch is a complicating factor in singing, the therapist could make the client aware of this influence by using exercises that alternate speaking and singing voice. Reference to and cooperation with singing teachers is essential. A network of speech-language pathologists 'with an ear for singers' and singing teachers should be built up.
Wat is ‘heil’ in onze tijd? Is het boven? Of juist beneden? In onze dagen zoeken kerken naar wegen om in een seculiere, immanente samenleving het Evangelie te vertolken. Dit boek zoekt mee en doet dat mede op basis van verricht onderzoek door de Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (CHE) rond missionaire presentie. Naast meer beschouwende artikelen staan praktijkverhalen. Wat ze delen is het geloof dat de christelijke boodschap onverminderd waardevol is en dat het de moeite loont intensief te zoeken naar verstaanbaarheid en verbinding. Het pdf-document bevat de inhoudsopgave en het eerste hoofdstuk.