Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In this Action planning document, the main objectives that are present from the overall KA COP4HL perspective to the local COPs are described. At the level of the local level of the COP the shared objective, which came out of the needs analysis process, are described per COP.In COP Groningen, the shared objective/goal will be: “stimulating a Healthy environment (physical & social) with focus on physical activity”. COP Malaga had three potential shared objectives but after a shared decision making procedure the unanimously decision was towards: “developing, implementing and evaluatingoutdoor fitness”. COP Odense will elaborate on an intermediary approach with the focus on the: “further develop and educate professionals who work on stimulating physical activity in community dwelling older adult”’.COP Kaunas defined the following shared objective: “to provide opportunities for primary school children and Kaunas district community members older than 50 more opportunities for exercising and physical activity”. COP Cascais will contribute the goal to: “develop, organize for and together with the stakeholders and end users (youngsters from 12-24 years old) activities focused on healthy lifestyle (e.g., healthy cooking workshops, parent-child physical activities etc.) embedded in approach GERAÇÃO S+ “.The next phase, after the decision on the shared objective of the COPs, is the action planning for the further COP development. A total of 7 steps are described.
The Knowledge Alliance for Communities of Practice for Healthy Lifestyle (COP4HL) aimed at developing and sustaining communities of practice (COP) in order to stimulate innovation and socio-economic development in the area of Healthy Ageing. Promoting Healthy Ageing, and specifically an Active & Healthy Lifestyle, is one of the biggest societal and economical challenges the EU is facing. A paradigm shift from health care and cure to prevention is essential since the traditional ways have proven to be insufficient to solve this complex problem. An impact-driven multi-sector approach is necessary to develop innovative products and services to change this for the better. The KA was composed of higher education institutes and businesses, supported by public authorities and non-for-profits, who are accepting the need of co-creating knowledge to stimulate innovation for an Active & Healthy Lifestyle. A local needs and assets mapping procedure, that assessed the national and local status quo in the area of Healthy Ageing/Healthy Lifestyles, served as starting point of the development of five communities or practice the communities of Groningen (the Netherlands), Odense (Denmark), Malaga (Spain), Kaunas (Lithuania) and Cascais (Portugal) plus an additional COP in Alcobaca (Portugal). These COP were focused on a common goal that was collectively decided in the local COP.
In this brief chapter of the report we focus on the model that was developed as part of the evaluation strategy: the local CoP impact measurement model. This model has been described as part of the strategy report as well. For purposes of clarity (as it is one of the main deliverables of work package 3) we briefly present it in this document. Background: Promoting Healthy Ageing, and specifically an Active & Healthy Lifestyle, is one of the biggest societal and economical challenges the EU is facing. A paradigm shift from health care and cure to prevention is essential since the traditional ways have proven to be insufficient to solve this complex problem. An impact-driven multi-sector approach is necessary to develop innovative products and services to change this for the better.ObjectivesThe Knowledge Alliance for Communities of Practice for Healthy Lifestyle aimed at developing and sustaining communities of practice (COP) in order to stimulate innovation and socio-economic development in the area of Healthy Ageing.ImplementationThe Consortium comes from 7 EU Member States and in 5 countries Local COP were developed. A European COP Support Lab and a European COP Alliance were developed that facilitate the set-up and sustainability of COP. An open access Community Knowledge Hub provides pilot-tested formal and informal blended learning material for managing COP and implementing interventions; whilst an entrepreneurship competition lead into an intensive program to develop entrepreneurial skills and stimulate innovation.AchievementsIn total 6 local COP were fully established who all defined their shared interest, organized learning opportunities, meetings and effective local activities that contributed to a common agenda setting for Healthy Lifestyle. Furthermore, the Alliance between businesses and HEI was extended exponentially and over 30 businesses, 18 HEI and 73 public authorities were involved. All 6 COPs are still running beyond the project funding period and supported by an open online platform www.yanuz.eu.
De aanvraag betreft het ontwikkelen en verkennen van de marktmogelijkheden van een IT-tool dat de slaagkans van bedrijfsoverdrachten verbetert. De (emotionele) barrières die ondernemers bij de verkoop hun bedrijf tegenko-men worden inzichtelijk gemaakt. Tevens wordt getoetst of de manier waarop ondernemers nu omgaan met die barrières (coping) effectief is. De doelgroep voor het onderzoek zijn overname-adviseurs, kopende en verkopende ondernemers alsmede investeerders.
Aanleiding: De belangstelling voor gezonde en veilige voeding is groot. Bij de gezondheidseffecten van voeding spelen de darmen een cruciale rol. Verschillende soorten bedrijven hebben behoefte aan natuurgetrouwe testmodellen om de effecten van voeding op de darmen te bestuderen. Ze zijn vooral op zoek naar modellen waarvan de uitkomsten direct vertaalbaar zijn naar het doelorganisme (de mens of bijvoorbeeld het varken) en die niet gebruikmaken van kostbare en maatschappelijke beladen dierproeven. Doelstelling Het project 2-REAL-GUTS heeft als doel om twee innovatieve dierproefvrije darmmodellen geschikt te maken voor onderzoek naar voedingsconcepten en -ingrediënten. De twee darmmodellen die worden toegepast zijn darmorganoïden, minidarmorgaantjes bestaande uit stamcellen, en darmexplants bestaande uit hele stukjes darm verkregen uit relevante organismen. Beide modellen hebben potentieel heel uitgebreide toepassingsmogelijkheden en hebben ook grote voordelen ten opzichte van de huidige veelgebruikte cellijnen, omdat ze meerdere in de darm aanwezige celtypen bevatten en uit verschillende specifieke darmregio's te verkrijgen zijn. Gezamenlijk gaan de partners werken aan: 1) het aanpassen van de kweekomstandigheden zodat darmmodellen geschikt worden om de vragen van partners te beantwoorden; 2) het vaststellen van de toepassingsmogelijkheden van de darmmodellen door verschillende stoffen en producten te testen. Beoogde resultaten Kennisconferenties, publicaties en exploitatie van de modellen zullen zorgen voor het verspreiden van de opgedane kennis. Omdat het project gebruikmaakt van moderne, op de toekomst gerichte laboratoriumtechnieken (kweekmethoden met stamcellen en vitaal weefsel, moleculaire analyses en microscopie), leent het zich uitstekend om geïmplementeerd te worden in het hbo-onderwijs. Als spin-off zal het project dan ook voorzien in een specifieke, voor Nederland unieke hbo-minor op het gebied van stamcel- en aanverwante technologie (zoals organ-on-a-chiptechnologie).
Carboxylated cellulose is an important product on the market, and one of the most well-known examples is carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). However, CMC is prepared by modification of cellulose with the extremely hazardous compound monochloracetic acid. In this project, we want to make a carboxylated cellulose that is a functional equivalent for CMC using a greener process with renewable raw materials derived from levulinic acid. Processes to achieve cellulose with a low and a high carboxylation degree will be designed.