Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper aims to show how current insights on place branding are used to organize “green” entrepreneurship in the Dutch Utrechtse Heuvelrug region. The role of place is explored in establishing a differentiated meaning for green entrepreneurship and providing an inspirational source for innovations, resulting in a green economic value proposition designed and communicated through branding. Design/methodology/approach: From the literature, different perspectives on the role and function of the place were derived, which lead to the choice of an identity-based entrepreneurial brand. To define the regional identity, qualitative and quantitative research were conducted. In addition, co-creation sessions were organized to further develop the brand. Findings: Taking place branding as the starting point, a framework has been developed, introducing the regional identity as an open space, linking locally based sub-brands to enhance power. To deliver economical and social value in an area with no leading business to sustainability and well-developed business skills, cluster development has been introduced as a way to create new economic activity and sustainable impact. Practical implications: The strategy of separating stakeholders and position them as locally based brands enables place planners and marketers to manage place brand complexity, which generally delays the process, often limiting place branding to “logos and slogans”. Originality/value: This paper provides a case study, which offers new perspectives on the issue of managing complexity, which is inevitable in organizing a place brand.
The purpose of this article is to examine how brands are built in small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to develop a conceptual model of SME brand-building. The research design is based on an a priori conceptual framework that helped direct the fieldwork, data analysis and findings. A series of semi-structured interviews was conducted among 35 owner/managers from 30 firms. The results indicate that SME brands are built in a non-traditional manner and contrary to large firm brand building, with minimum brand planning and limited resources. SME brand-owner/managers and employees engage in brand exploration phases where they experiment in a spirit of trial and error based on risk-taking, commitment, creativity and willingness to learn. Based on these results, the article develops a model of the five phases of SME brand-building. The five-phase model represents an actionable framework for managers in an SME context. The model also presents scholars with a theoretical foundation upon which to construct further theory development.
This study will examine how branded games in the LEGO Ninjago franchise communicate the brand narrative through their mechanical, semiotic and referential design. Digital games as communicative tools facilitate a new paradigm of marketing focusing on experience creation through integrated marketing communication plans. The LEGO brand creates highly successful games that communicate the brand effectively. To explore the possibilities and counteract the simplistic use of branded games, this study introduces an innovative framework to formally analyze branded games and their communication of a brand narrative through mechanical, semiotic and referential layers. This framework introduces formal game design to advertising studies, while dragging game studies into branded ecosystems. Using the framework, we analyze LEGO Ninjago the Movie – The Videogame, to identify how this paid digital game expands the Ninjago universe and fulfills specific marketing purposes oriented to LEGO toy sets. Our analysis shows that on a mechanical and semiotic layer, the game presents a standalone experience catering to the universe of the Ninjago movie and the values of the Ninjago brand narrative. However, by framing the whole game as LEGO – in its materiality and interactable objects – the LEGO brand narrative of creative construction informs the act of play. The referential design in these games makes use of playful disruption of rules to instill additive comprehension in the player related to purchasable sets and content.
De fotonica industrie groeit snel in de Brainport regio. Multinationals zoals ASML maar ook talrijke MKB bedrijven werken aan complexe optische systemen. Zij concurreren op wereldschaal met high tech Amerikaanse en Aziatische spelers. Innovatie is daarvoor van levensbelang. R&D in de sleuteltechnologieën fotonica en geavanceerde fabricagesystemen levert hiervoor de hoognodige brandstof. Zo ook in dit project, waarbij twee high tech MKB bedrijven met Fontys 3D-metaalprinten op een nieuwe en slimme manier gaan inzetten voor fotonica. Complexe optische systemen bevatten meestal meerdere optische elementen (o.a. lenzen, spiegels, diafragma’s, lichtbronnen, sensoren) die onderling in een lichtweg gerangschikt en onderling afgesteld moeten worden. Hierbij worden z.g. optische mounts gebruikt om de positie van de individuele optische elementen vast te leggen en na afstelling te fixeren. Een dergelijke afstelmethode is vaak lastig (divergerend), tijdrovend en niet stabiel over de tijd (want gebaseerd op wrijvingsfixatie). Dit project onderzoekt als oplossing een geïntegreerd monolithisch 3D geprint montagesysteem voor optische elementen, waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van ruimtelijk georiënteerde 3D geprinte monolithische elementen (spelings- en hysteresevrij). Hiermee wordt de insteltijd aanzienlijk gereduceerd (doelstelling: 100% --> 30%). Tevens zal de positioneernauwkeurigheid van de hierin opgenomen optische elementen gegarandeerd zijn. Tenslotte zullen er aanzienlijk minder onderdelen in het ontwerp aanwezig zijn. Als concrete en haalbare demonstrator wordt een 3D geprinte monolithische optical mount voor de lichtweg van de “Arinna” laserinterferometer van IBSPE uit Eindhoven ontwikkeld en getest. 3D geprinte optical mounts zijn nieuw voor dit netwerk, maar Fontys en aangesloten ondernemers hebben de relevante ervaring in 3D metaalprinten en fotonica. Met de aangesloten fotonica netwerken Photon Delta, DSPE en PhotonicsNL kan de opgedane kennis snel opgeschaald worden en kunnen ook andere MKB bedrijven deze innovatieve mounts voor hun supply chains gaan onderzoeken.