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The qualities and availability of different video formats offer many opportunities within the context of Higher Education (Hansch et al., 2015; Johnson et al., 2016; van Huystee, 2016). There is a shift within Higher Education to transition from the traditional face to face approach, to a more ‘blended’ approach in which face to face and online delivery of content are blended (Bates, 2015). More delivery of content is now provided online in video format, viewed before the class, as part of a flipped classroom (Bishop & Verleger, 2013; Yousef, Chatti, & Schroeder, 2014) and this is impacting the traditional role of the lecturer from ‘sage on the stage’, to ‘guide on the side’ (Tapscott, 2009). When creating video, a lecturer needs to have an understanding of the particular pedagogic affordances of the different types of video (Koumi, 2014; Thomson, Bridgstock, & Willems, 2014) and to know how to implement and embed these effectively into the teaching environment as part of a blended approach (Dankbaar, Haring, Moes, & van Hees, 2016; Fransen, 2006; Woolfitt, 2015). There needs to be awareness of how to embed the video from a didactic perspective to create meaningful learning (Karppinen, 2005) and an understanding of some of the financial and technical issues which include the relationship between cost of video production and the user experience (Hansch et al., 2015) and creating the correct combination of multimedia visual and audio elements (Colvin Clark & Mayer, 2011). As the role of the lecturer changes, there are a number of challenges when navigating through this changing educational environment. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide lots of data for analysis and research shows that students in this environment stop watching videos after about six minutes (Guo, Kim, & Rubin, 2014) and that the most common video style used in MOOCs was the talking head with Power Point (Reutemann, 2016). Further research needs to be conducted regarding student preferences of video styles and correlation between video styles and course drop-out rates. As part of its research, the Inholland research group ‘Teaching, Learning and Technology’ (TLT) examines the use of ICT and video to support teaching and learning within Inholland. In 2015-2016, several pioneers (Fransen, 2013) working at Inholland explored different approaches to using video to support the teaching and learning process within a number of educational environments. TLT supported the pioneers in establishing their role within their faculty, creating a framework within which the pioneer can design the video intervention, collecting data and reflecting on what was learned through this process. With some of the projects, a more formal research process was followed and a full research report could be compiled. In other cases, the pioneer took a more exploratory and experimental approach. In these cases, the pioneer may not have conducted the video intervention under a formal research framework. However, during this process the pioneer may have uncovered interesting and valuable practical examples that can inspire and be shared with other educators. This current report falls under the category Research Type 3 as defined by TLT. It describes and assesses an ICT application (in this case, video) in order to share the original approach that could have high potential to be implemented in a broader educational context.
De inleiding: Housing Management is de leerstoel die zich bezig houdt met de wijze waarop beheerders en ontwikkelaars van woningen zichzelf en hun activiteiten kunnen aanpassen aan de veranderende vraag naar wonen en gerelateerde diensten. De leerstoel legt hiertoe een verbinding tussen de bedrijfskunde en de bouwkundige opgave op het terrein van het wonen. Vraagstukken op het terrein van corporate governance, organisatie en voorraadbeleid staan centraal in onderwijs en onderzoek. Sinds 1 februari j l . ben ik benoemd tot hoogleraar op deze leerstoel, waarmee het vakgebied ook formele (h)erkenning heeft gekregen aan de TU Delft. En dat is goed, want in een tijd van toenemende marktwerking komt het steeds meer aan op visie, creativiteit en ondernemerschap van individuele woningbeheerders en -ontwikkelaars bij het vervullen van de vragen op de woningmarkt. Vanuit deze rol ben ik door de redactie gevraagd naar uitdagingen voor onderwijs en onderzoek, net als mijn vier collega volkshuisvestingshoogleraren
Kennisontwikkeling naar aanleiding van de transformatie van een gedeelte van een kantoorpand in het centrum van Deventer tot woonstudio 's en appartementen, en in het bijzonder de samenwerking tussen de verschillende betrokken partijen. Een analysen van hoe de verschillende partijen de samenwerking hebben ervaren: Wat ging goed, waar kan de samenwerking tussen de verschillende partijen beter, of anders, welke "lessen" hebben de verschillende partijen getrokken uit de samenwerking?.