Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In the Netherlands, the automobile manufacturer Nissan has initiated a unique project to stimulate the uptake of electric vehicles (EV) for commercial usage. This project is called “Power to Amsterdam” and started by the end of 2014. In the project, Nissan has enabled entrepreneurs in the region of Amsterdam to drive the full electric e-NV200 for a period of 6 to 12 months. After this period, the participants can decide whether to purchase/lease the vehicle or to return it to Nissan. The e-NV200 can be used for passengers (max. 7 persons) and as van (loading space of 4,2 m3). The aim of the project is to increase the experience with EV. This is important from both a public (i.e. decrease air and noise pollution) and private perspective (increase EV sales) as well as to enhance knowledge in this field.
Two key air pollutants that affect asthma are ozone and particle pollution. Studies show a direct relationship between the number of deaths and hospitalizations for asthma and increases of particulate matter in the air, including dust, soot, fly ash, diesel exhaust particles, smoke, and sulfate aerosols. Cars are found to be a primary contributor to this problem. However, patient awareness of the link is limited. This chapter begins with a general discussion of vehicular dependency or ‘car culture’, and then focuses on the discussion of the effects of air pollution on asthma in the Netherlands. I argue that international organizations and patient organizations have not tended to put pressure on air-control, pollution-control or environmental standards agencies, or the actual polluters. While changes in air quality and the release of greenhouse gases are tied to practices like the massive corporate support for the ongoing use of motor vehicles and the increased prominence of ‘car culture’ globally, patient organizations seem more focused on treating the symptoms rather than addressing the ultimate causes of the disease. Consequently, I argue that to fully address the issue of asthma the international health organizations as well as national health ministries, patient organizations, and the general public must recognize the direct link between vehicular dependency and asthma. The chapter concludes with a recommendation for raising environmental health awareness by explicitly linking the vehicular dependency to the state of poor respiratory health. Strategic policy in the Netherlands then should explicitly link the present pattern of auto mobility to public health. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118786949 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenkopnina/
The aim of this paper is to investigate the Chinese branding landscape. First, the strongest Chinese brands are analysed. This analysis offers explanations for typical Chinese brand strategy and establishes current trends in Chinese brand management practice from a corporate perspective. The research includes an empirical study on the motivations of Chinese consumers investigating their preferences of Chinese- over foreign brands. While the discipline of brand management has a relatively short tradition in Chinese boardrooms, the outcomes of Chinese consumer preferences towards their favorite brands are both revealing and unexpected. The paper will conclude with the formulation of four Chinese branding trends that are likely to shape the Chinese branding landscape in the future.
The maximum capacity of the road infrastructure is being reached due to the number of vehicles that are being introduced on Dutch roads each day. One of the plausible solutions to tackle congestion could be efficient and effective use of road infrastructure using modern technologies such as cooperative mobility. Cooperative mobility relies majorly on big data that is generated potentially by millions of vehicles that are travelling on the road. But how can this data be generated? Modern vehicles already contain a host of sensors that are required for its operation. This data is typically circulated within an automobile via the CAN bus and can in-principle be shared with the outside world considering the privacy aspects of data sharing. The main problem is, however, the difficulty in interpreting this data. This is mainly because the configuration of this data varies between manufacturers and vehicle models and have not been standardized by the manufacturers. Signals from the CAN bus could be manually reverse engineered, but this process is extremely labour-intensive and time-consuming. In this project we investigate if an intelligent tool or specific test procedures could be developed to extract CAN messages and their composition efficiently irrespective of vehicle brand and type. This would lay the foundations that are required to generate big data-sets from in-vehicle data efficiently.
Intelligent technology in automotive has a disrupting impact on the way modern automobiles are being developed. New technology not only has brought complexity to already existing information in the car (digitization of driver instruments) but also brings new external information to the driver on how to optimize the driving style amongst others from the perspective of communicating with infrastructures (Vehicle to Infrastructure communication (V2I)). The amount of information that a driver has to process in modern vehicles is increasing rapidly due to the introduction of multiple displays and new external information sources. An information overload lies awaiting, yet current Human Machine Interface (HMI) designs and the corresponding legal frameworks lag behind. Currently, many initiatives (Pratijkproef Amsterdam, Concorda) are being developed with respect to V2I, amongst others with Rijkswaterstaat, North Holland and Brabant. In these initiatives, SME’s, like V-Tron, focus on the development of specific V2I hardware. Yet in the field of HMI’s these SME’s need universities (HAN University of Applied Science, Rhine Waal University of Applied Science) and industrial designers (Yellow Chess) to help them with design guidelines and concept HMI’s. We propose to develop first guidelines on possible new human-machine interfaces. Additionally, we will show the advantages of HMI’s that go further than current legal requirements. Therefore, this research will focus on design guidelines averting the information overload. We show two HMI’s that combine regular driver information with V2I information of a Green Light Optimized Speed Advise (GLOSA) use case. The HMI’s will be evaluated on a high level (focus groups and a small simulator study). The KIEM results in two publications. In a plenary meeting with experts, the guidelines and the limitations of current legal requirements will be discussed. The KIEM will lead to a new consortium to extend the research.
The automobile industry is presently going through a rapid transformation towards autonomous driving. Nearly all vehicle manufacturers (such as Mercedes Benz, Tesla, BMW) have commercial products, promising some level of vehicle automation. Even though the safe and reliable introduction of technology depends on the quality standards and certification process, but the focus is primarily on the introduction of (uncertified) technology and not on developing knowledge for certification. Both industry and governments see the lack of knowledge about certification, which can ensure the safety of autonomous technology and thus will guarantee the safety of the driver, passenger, and environment. HAN-AR recognized the lack of knowledge and the need for novel certification methodology for emerging vehicle technology and initiated the PRAUTOCOL project together with its SME partners. The PRAUTOCOL project investigated certification methodology for two use-cases: certification for automated highway overtaking pilot; and certification for automatic valet parking. The PRAUTOCOL research is conducted in two parallel streams: certification of the driver by human factors experts and certification of vehicle by technology experts. The results from both streams are published and presented in respective but limited target groups. Also, an overview of the PRAUTOCOL certification methodology is missing, which can enable its translation to different use-cases of automated technology (other than the used ones). Therefore, to realize a better pass-through of PRAUTOCOL's results to a broader audience, the top-up is required. Firstly, to write a (peer-reviewed) Open Access article, focusing on the application and translation of PRAUTOCOL's methodology to other automated technology use-cases. Secondly, to write a journal article, focusing on the validation of automatic highway overtaking system using naturalistic driving data. Thirdly, to organize a workshop to present PRAUTOCOL's results (valorization) to industrial, research, and government representatives and to discuss a follow-up initiative.