Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Introduction: From the patient and staff perspective, care delivery for patients experiencing a mental health problem in ambulance and emergency department (ED) settings is challenging. There is no uniform and internationally accepted concept to reflect people with a mental health problem who require emergency care, be it for, or as a result of, a mental health or physical health problem. On initial presentation to the emergency service provider (ambulance or ED), the cause of their healthcare condition/s (mental health and/or physical health) is often initially unknown. Due to this (1) the prevalence and range of underlying causes (mental and/or physical) of the patients presenting condition is unknown; (2) misattribution of physical symptoms to a mental health problem can occur and (3) diagnosis and treatment of the initial somatic complaint and cause(s) of the mental/physical health problem may be hindered.This study will name and define a new concept: 'mental dysregulation' in the context of ambulance and ED settings. Methods and analysis: A Delphi study, informed by a rapid literature review, will be undertaken. For the literature review, a steering group (ie, persons with lived experience, ED and mental health clinicians, academics) will systematically search the literature to provide a working definition of the concept: mental dysregulation. Based on this review, statements will be generated regarding (1) the definition of the concept; (2) possible causes of mental dysregulation and (3) observable behaviours associated with mental dysregulation. These statements will be rated in three Delphi rounds to achieve consensus by an international expert panel (comprising persons with lived experience, clinicians and academics). Ethics and dissemination: This study has been approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (reference number: 258-000-2023_Geurt van der Glind). Results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed journal publication(s), scientific conference(s) and to key stakeholders.
Introduction: Worldwide, there is an increase in the extent and severity of mental illness. Exacerbation of somatic complaints in this group of people can result in recurring ambulance and emergency department care. The care of patients with a mental dysregulation (ie, experiencing a mental health problem and disproportionate feelings like fear, anger, sadness or confusion, possibly with associated behaviours) can be complex and challenging in the emergency care context, possibly evoking a wide variety of feelings, ranging from worry or pity to annoyance and frustration in emergency care staff members. This in return may lead to stigma towards patients with a mental dysregulation seeking emergency care. Interventions have been developed impacting attitude and behaviour and minimising stigma held by healthcare professionals. However, these interventions are not explicitly aimed at the emergency care context nor do these represent perspectives of healthcare professionals working within this context. Therefore, the aim of the proposed review is to gain insight into interventions targeting healthcare professionals, which minimise stigma including beliefs, attitudes and behaviour towards patients with a mental dysregulation within the emergency care context. Methods and analysis: The protocol for a systematic integrative review is presented, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols recommendations. A systematic search was performed on 13 July 2023. Study selection and data extraction will be performed by two independent reviewers. In each step, an expert with lived experience will comment on process and results. Software applications RefWorks-ProQuest, Rayyan and ATLAS.ti will be used to enhance the quality of the review and transparency of process and results. Ethics and dissemination: No ethical approval or safety considerations are required for this review. The proposed review will be submitted to a relevant international journal. Results will be presented at relevant medical scientific conferences.
Objective To explore predictors of district nursing care utilisation for community-living (older) people in the Netherlands using claims data. To cope with growing demands in district nursing care, knowledge about the current utilisation of district nursing care is important. Setting District nursing care as a part of primary care. Participants In this nationwide study, claims data were used from the Dutch risk adjustment system and national information system of health insurers. Samples were drawn of 5500 pairs of community-living people using district nursing care (cases) and people not using district nursing care (controls) for two groups: all ages and aged 75+ years (total N=22 000). Outcome measures The outcome was district nursing care utilisation and the 114 potential predictors included predisposing factors (eg, age), enabling factors (eg, socioeconomic status) and need factors (various healthcare costs). The random forest algorithm was used to predict district nursing care utilisation. The performance of the models and importance of predictors were calculated. Results For the population of people aged 75+ years, most important predictors were older age, and high costs for general practitioner consultations, aid devices, pharmaceutical care, ambulance transportation and occupational therapy. For the total population, older age, and high costs for pharmaceutical care and aid devices were the most important predictors. Conclusions People in need of district nursing care are older, visit the general practitioner more often, and use more and/or expensive medications and aid devices. Therefore, close collaboration between the district nurse, general practitioner and the community pharmacist is important. Additional analyses including data regarding health status are recommended. Further research is needed to provide an evidence base for district nursing care to optimise the care for those with high care needs, and guide practice and policymakers’ decision-making.
Achtergrond: In acute intensieve werksettings, waar de werkdruk al hoog was en er altijd impact is van indrukwekkende gebeurtenissen, zorgt COVID-19 voor toename van druk. Zorgprofessionals worden geconfronteerd met een nieuw en onbekend ziektebeeld, lopen risico op besmetting of om een besmettingsbron voor patiënten te zijn, communicatie met de patiënt is minder goed mogelijk, en zij krijgen te maken met een hogere werkdruk. Dit leidt tot een ongezonde werksituatie. De potentiële gevolgen hiervan zijn (post-traumatische) stress, burn-out en uitval. Er is daarom noodzaak om curatieve ondersteuning tijdens de crisis/indrukwekkende gebeurtenissen en preventieve ondersteuning ter voorbereiding op crisis/indrukwekkende gebeurtenissen en ter nazorg aan te bieden. Professionals uit het netwerk van Lectoraat Acute Intensieve Zorg werkzaam in de frontlinie vanuit ambulance, Spoedeisende Hulp (SEH), Acute Opname Afdelingen en Intensive Care geven aan moeite te hebben met het omgaan met de indrukwekkende situaties bij de COVID-19 crisis. Ze hebben gevraagd om een toolkit van werkzame interventies die kunnen worden ingezet om beter met deze situatie om te kunnen gaan om hiermee duurzame inzetbaarheid in, tijdens en na crisissituaties te vergroten. Het gaat hierbij om interventies gericht op curatieve en preventieve ondersteuning. Plan van aanpak: In dit project wordt ontwerpgericht onderzoek middels mixed methods design toegepast. In co-creatie met de praktijk ontwikkelen we een toolkit met bruikbare, zo mogelijk evidence based, interventies om zorgprofessionals te ondersteunen om om te gaan met indrukwekkende gebeurtenissen, gebaseerd op lessen uit de COVID-19 crisis. Deze toolkit dient ervoor om duurzame inzetbaarheid te ondersteunen en te vergroten. Vanuit de HAN werken de lectoraten Acute Intensieve Zorg en Human Resource Management nauw samen met beroepsverenigingen en publieke instellingen uit de acuut intensieve keten. Alle partners verspreiden ontwikkelde kennis en producten via hun netwerk.