Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Although dozens of empirical studies have been published on effectuation as a whole, much work remains to be done on elaborating each principle in more depth. Based on an exploratory study of seven ventures from the Caribbean island of Curacao, this paper develops an elaborated process model of the affordable loss heuristic in effectuation. The model breaks affordable loss into two components—ability and willingness, and connects these to the concept of loss aversion from prospect theory. Furthermore, these components are encapsulated in a process involving identity, affect, and resourcefulness leading to the entry-stage entrepreneurial investment decision.
The aim of this report is to give an overview of current state of the art in the occurrence and policies regarding affordable age-friendly and eco-friendly solutions in the partner countries. The report consists of the findings from the literature review, the comparative analysis and the reporting of good practices. It aims for the consortium as a whole to gain an understanding of the state of the art and on affordable age and eco-friendly solutions in partner countries and particularly the home and community fields, and to present that knowledge in the form of a written report. The literature review, the analysis of barriers and facilitators, and the survey on existing or even planning good practices in the project countries, will help the partners to build and update a strong knowledge base in these fields. To be closer to the practical issues that define the adaptability of eco and age-friendly solutions in community, the consortium decided to use mostly grey literature and websites for tools and advice, such as governmental pages. Common grey literature publication types include reports (annual, research, technical, project, etc.), working papers, government documents, white papers and evaluations, which will help all partners to reach conclusions around the common field between age and eco-friendly developments. Barriers and facilitators found in each project country will be used for stipulating the right consequence of actions needed, to propose a sound methodology that could – in combination with other actions and stakeholders – promote the implementation of age and eco-friendly principles into the public and private sphere of care for older people. Finally, the selection of good representative practices by each project country can be the basis for a report, and a publication, that depicts the level of maturity and progress of the notions of age-friendliness and eco-friendliness, as well as their impact on the care of older people.
This report describes the results and recommendations for Indian dairy farmers and Dutch and Indian companies, from the RAAK Family Dairy Tech India project. Researchers and students of two Dutch and one Indian University of Applied Sciences, together with ten Dutch companies, Indian companies and eight innovative farmers in Pune district collaborated to develop robust and affordable technologies and knowledge for Indian medium sized dairy farmers, in Pune district, Maharashtra. The report also describes innovations in the farmers’ business models and value chains. Partners: Van Hall Larenstein, Velp, and Saxion University of Applied Sciences Enschede, he Netherlands, Agricultural Development Trust Baramati ISBN 978-90-821195-6-5
De glastuinbouw in Nederland is wereldwijd toonaangevend en loopt voorop in automatisering en data-gedreven bedrijfsvoering. Voor de data-gedreven teelt wordt, naast het monitoren van de kas-parameters ook het monitoren van gewasparameters steeds meer gevraagd. De sector is daarbij vooral geïnteresseerd in niet-destructieve, contactloze en persoonsonafhankelijk monitoring van gewassen. Optische sensortechnologie, zoals spectrale afbeeldingstechnologie, kan veel waardevolle informatie opleveren over de staat van een gewas of vrucht, bijvoorbeeld over het suikergehalte, maar ook de aanwezigheid van plantziektes of insecten. Echter is dit vaak een te kostbare oplossing voor zowel de technologiebedrijven die oplossingen leveren als voor de telers zelf. In dit project onderzoeken wij de mogelijkheid om spectrale beeldvorming tegen lagere kosten te realiseren. Het beoogde resultaat is een prototype van een instrument dat tegen lage kosten met spectrale beeldvorming een of meerdere gewaseigenschappen kan kwantificeren. Realisatie van dit prototype heeft een sterke Fotonica-component (expertise Haagse Hogeschool) maakt gebruik van Machine Learning (expertise perClass) en is bedoeld voor toepassing op scout robots in de glastuinbouw (expertise Mythronics). Een betaalbare oplossing betekent in potentie voor de teler een betere controle over kwaliteit van het gewas en automatisering voor detectie van ziekte-uitbraken. Bij een succesvol prototype kan deze innovatie leiden tot betere voedselkwaliteit en minder verspilling in de glastuinbouw.