Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Abstract: Methods: Nurses were recruited from the psychogeriatric and somatic ward of five nursing homes in the Netherlands, from September to December 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, semi-structured interviews were held with twenty nurses via Microsoft Teams. The intra-oral camera was demonstrated in an online video. The topic list was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1985) and reviewed by an expert group. The topics include: the use of e-health; current oral health care; collaboration with oral-health professionals; nurses’ acceptance of the intra-oral camera and expected acceptance of nursing-home residents. Each interview lasted approximately 45 minutes and was recorded. The data was transcribed verbatim in MaxQDA2020 and analyzed using the Grounded Theory approach. Results: In total twenty nurses were interviewed. The majority of respondents were willing to try the intraoral camera when implemented (n=18). Some nurses mentioned that lack of time could be an issue during implementation. Barriers that were mentioned included that nursing-home residents may not be able to keep their mouth open long enough for the examination or may bite on the camera (especially residents of the psychogeriatric) and therefore nurses expected that the camera cannot be applied in people with reduced cognition, like dementia. Conclusions: The Dutch nurses appear to be willing to try the intraoral camera when implemented. Future research has to determine whether the intra-oral camera can be applied in people with reduced cognition.
Background: As the assistive and resistive properties of water can facilitate the performance of exercise, aquatic exercise therapy might be a promising rehabilitation modality for burn patients. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of aquatic exercise therapy in adult burn patients with an indication for supervised exercise therapy. Methods: Eligible for this observational pilot study were all competent adult burn patients with an indication for supervised exercise therapy who had been admitted to the burn centre of the Maasstad Hospital between June 2016 and February 2017. Patients were asked to participate in an in-hospital aquatic exercise therapy program for a minimum of 2 weeks, 2 times per week, or otherwise serve as control by having land-based exercise therapy (regular care). Feasibility of aquatic exercise therapy was assessed by comparing the number of eligible patients to the number of patients that could actually participate, monitoring attendance rates, monitoring complications, and evaluating early experiences. Acceptability was assessed using the Water Exercise Acceptability Questionnaire. Results: Eleven patients were invited and ten of them agreed to participate. All chose aquatic instead of land-based exercise therapy. Participants were aged between 19 and 64 years and their burns affected 18–53% of total body surface area (TBSA). Aquatic exercise therapy appeared feasible in nine of 13 eligible patients (69%). Attendance rates were high (42–100%) and the majority of participants (n = 9) continued with aquatic exercise therapy beyond the initial two weeks. No serious complications (e.g. infections) occurred. Adverse symptoms (wound healing issues) were reported in five participants, but in four of them these were not likely to be due to the aquatic exercise therapy. Enjoyment was high and adherence to the aquatic exercise therapy was further facilitated by support from staff, a sense of achievement, noticeable improvements, personal motivation, and support from other participants. Peer support was reported as a positive side effect. Conclusions: These preliminary results indicate that aquatic exercise therapy is both feasible and acceptable for the majority of adult burn patients with an indication for supervised exercise therapy. No indications were found for an increased risk of infection or other serious complications.
In dit project wordt onderzocht hoe je burgers niet alleen kunt betrekken maar ook aan het roer kunt zetten bij de invulling van de ambitieuze doelstelling om als stad energieneutraal te worden.Een Positive Energy District (PED) brengt alle elementen van de energietransitie samen op een locatie: energieopwek, energieopslag, energiegebruik, energiebesparing, balancering en transport. Ontwikkeling, eigenaarschap en acceptatie van dit nieuwe socio-technische arrangement zijn onderwerp van het onderzoek. In het nieuwe speelveld komen volgens Grunneger Power niet 2 helften, maar drie helften bij elkaar: burgers, bedrijfsleven en overheden. Wij menen dat er nog een vierde belangrijke speler is: kennisinstellingen. Dit betekent dat een transdisciplinaire benadering van het onderzoek gewenst is, waarin het centrale thema wordt benaderd vanuit verschillende disciplines enerzijds en diverse maatschappelijke stakeholders anderzijds.In het onderzoek wordt een aanpak ontwikkeld die aansluit bij de beleving van gewone burgers. De aanpak identificeert concrete stappen die burgers kunnen nemen en benoemt randvoorwaarden die borgen dat zij daartoe ook de ruimte krijgen. Deze randvoorwaarden hebben onder meer betrekking op het beleid van de gemeente, de manier waarop het PED, inclusief technische en sociale aspecten, wordt ingericht, welke oplossingen bedrijven aanbieden, en tenslotte hoe de lokale energiebeweging en hun achterban optimaal bij het PED betrokken kunnen worden.De ontwikkeling van de City Vision 2050 in WP1 begint met het betrekken van burgers: 'Launching a co-creation process, engaging stakeholders and citizens from the very beginning. This can facilitate the early identification of social barriers and foster future acceptance of the changes.' Ook in de 'Follower Cities' is dit het geval: 'Citizen and stakeholders engagement. Once the area is selected, the engagement strategy will be launched to ensure a relevant participation of local actors in the process, in order to maximize acceptability and replicability. At least civic centres and individual citizens will be invited to participate in some sessions, focused on collecting needs and opinions and making them participants of the definition process.'(p.46).In dit project wordt onderzocht hoe je burgers niet alleen kunt betrekken maar ook aan het roer kunt zetten bij de invulling van de ambitieuze doelstelling om als stad energieneutraal te worden.Een Positive Energy District (PED) brengt alle elementen van de energietransitie samen op een locatie: energieopwek, energieopslag, energiegebruik, energiebesparing, balancering en transport. Ontwikkeling, eigenaarschap en acceptatie van dit nieuwe socio-technische arrangement zijn onderwerp van het onderzoek. In het nieuwe speelveld komen volgens Grunneger Power niet 2 helften, maar drie helften bij elkaar: burgers, bedrijfsleven en overheden. Wij menen dat er nog een vierde belangrijke speler is: kennisinstellingen. Dit betekent dat een transdisciplinaire benadering van het onderzoek gewenst is, waarin het centrale thema wordt benaderd vanuit verschillende disciplines enerzijds en diverse maatschappelijke stakeholders anderzijds.In het onderzoek wordt een aanpak ontwikkeld die aansluit bij de beleving van gewone burgers. De aanpak identificeert concrete stappen die burgers kunnen nemen en benoemt randvoorwaarden die borgen dat zij daartoe ook de ruimte krijgen. Deze randvoorwaarden hebben onder meer betrekking op het beleid van de gemeente, de manier waarop het PED, inclusief technische en sociale aspecten, wordt ingericht, welke oplossingen bedrijven aanbieden, en tenslotte hoe de lokale energiebeweging en hun achterban optimaal bij het PED betrokken kunnen worden.De ontwikkeling van de City Vision 2050 in WP1 begint met het betrekken van burgers: 'Launching a co-creation process, engaging stakeholders and citizens from the very beginning. This can facilitate the early identification of social barriers and foster future acceptance of the changes.' Ook in de 'Follower Cities' is dit het geval: 'Citizen and stakeholders engagement. Once the area is selected, the engagement strategy will be launched to ensure a relevant participation of local actors in the process, in order to maximize acceptability and replicability. At least civic centres and individual citizens will be invited to participate in some sessions, focused on collecting needs and opinions and making them participants of the definition process.'(p.46).