We read the recent manuscript by Kal et al.1 ‘Explicit motor learning interventions are still relevant for ACL injury rehabilitation: do not put all your eggs in the implicit basket‘ with great interest. The authors did a commendable job summarizing the current literature and we highly respect them for being critical, to foster academic discussions to move science forward. We do however have some concerns regarding the methodology and interpretations made by the authors.
We read the recent manuscript by Kal et al.1 ‘Explicit motor learning interventions are still relevant for ACL injury rehabilitation: do not put all your eggs in the implicit basket‘ with great interest. The authors did a commendable job summarizing the current literature and we highly respect them for being critical, to foster academic discussions to move science forward. We do however have some concerns regarding the methodology and interpretations made by the authors.
Background: Retention of movement technique is crucial in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury pre- vention programs. It is unknown if specific instructions or video instructions result in changes in kine- matic and kinetic measures during a relatively short training session, and in a retention test one week later.Hypothesis/Purpose: The purpose was to determine the effects of verbal external focus (EF), verbal inter- nal focus (IF) and video instructions (VI) on landing technique (i.e. kinematics and kinetics) during train- ing and retention.Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial.Methods: This study compared verbal EF, verbal IF, VI and CTRL group. Forty healthy athletes were assigned to the IF (n=10), EF (n=10), VI (n=10) or CTRL group (n=10). A jump-landing task was per- formed as a baseline, followed by two training blocks (TR1 and TR2) and a post test. Group specific instruc- tions were offered in TR1 and TR2. In addition, subjects in the IF, EF and VI groups were free to ask for feedback after every jump in TR1 and TR2. One week later, a retention test was conducted without specific instructions or feedback. Kinematics and kinetics were captured using an 8-camera motion analysis system.Results: Males and females in the EF and VI instruction group showed beneficial results during and after the training session, in terms of improved landing technique. Retention was achieved after only a short training session.Conclusion: ACL injury prevention programs should include EF and/or VI instructions to improve kine- matics and kinetics and achieve retention.Level of Evidence: 3bKey words: Injury prevention, motor learning, movement technique, retention
In dit project verricht het lectoraat Familiebedrijven van Hogeschool Windesheim samen met de Hogeschool Utrecht, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, CUMELA, de Jong & Laan en MKB familiebedrijven praktijkgericht onderzoek naar financiering en besluitvorming bij MKB familiebedrijven. Nu banken vanwege de economische crisis terughoudender zijn geworden in kredietverlening en hun financieringseisen hebben verzwaard, zijn meer bedrijven aangewezen op eigen middelen en familiekapitaal. Vormen van zelf-financiering worden steeds belangrijker om groei en continuïteit van MKB familiebedrijven te waarborgen. Met name bij de overdracht van kapitaalintensieve MKB familiebedrijven worden complexe financieringsconstructies bedacht om de overname mogelijk te maken. Vaak wordt hierbij onvoldoende nagedacht over het onderscheid tussen de verschillende rollen die familieleden kunnen hebben als ze met hun vermogen in het bedrijf zitten (eigenaar of andere vermogensverschaffer, familielid, directielid, werknemer). Hierdoor kan onduidelijkheid ontstaan over onderwerpen zoals besluitvorming, rendement op vermogen, zeggenschap en beloningsstructuren, waardoor op termijn conflicten kunnen ontstaan. Daarnaast kan de besturing van ondernemingen door de verschillende belangen van vermogensverschaffers in negatieve zin worden beïnvloed en kan dit (op termijn) de continuïteit, wendbaarheid en groei van ondernemingen in gevaar brengen. Zowel in de praktijk als in het onderzoek ontbreekt het aan kennis over hoe met deze problematiek kan worden omgegaan. Dit project heeft daarom tot doel om samen met de projectpartners nieuwe kennis te ontwikkelen rond zelf-financiering en besluitvorming in MKB familiebedrijven. Door middel van ontwerpgericht praktijkonderzoek wordt bestaande en nieuwe kennis over de rol van zelf-financiering en de positie van eigenaren omgezet in oplossingsrichtingen ter verbetering van de besluitvorming in MKB familiebedrijven. Door het monitoren van de uitgevoerde interventies zal worden vastgesteld of de oplossingsrichtingen in de praktijk werken. De kennis die uit dit project voortkomt beoogt daarmee het handelingsvermogen van eigenaren en directieleden te vergroten en zelf-financiering als mogelijke financieringsbron effectiever te maken.
The utilization of drones in various industries, such as agriculture, infrastructure inspection, and surveillance, has significantly increased in recent years. However, navigating low-altitude environments poses a challenge due to potential collisions with “unseen” obstacles like power lines and poles, leading to safety concerns and equipment damage. Traditional obstacle avoidance systems often struggle with detecting thin and transparent obstacles, making them ill-suited for scenarios involving power lines, which are essential yet difficult to perceive visually. Together with partners that are active in logistics and safety and security domains, this project proposal aims at conducting feasibility study on advanced obstacle detection and avoidance system for low-flying drones. To that end, the main research question is, “How can AI-enabled, robust and module invisible obstacle avoidance technology can be developed for low-flying drones? During this feasibility study, cutting-edge sensor technologies, such as LiDAR, radar, camera and advanced machine learning algorithms will be investigated to what extent they can be used be to accurately detect “Not easily seen” obstacles in real-time. The successful conclusion of this project will lead to a bigger project that aims to contribute to the advancement of drone safety and operational capabilities in low-altitude environments, opening new possibilities for applications in industries where low-flying drones and obstacle avoidance are critical.
This project develops a European network for transdisciplinary innovation in artistic engagement as a catalyst for societal transformation, focusing on immersive art. It responds to the professionals in the field’s call for research into immersive art’s unique capacity to ‘move’ people through its multisensory, technosocial qualities towards collective change. The project brings together experts leading state-of-the-art research and practice in related fields with an aim to develop trajectories for artistic, methodological, and conceptual innovation for societal transformation. The nascent field of immersive art, including its potential impact on society, has been identified as a priority research area on all local-to-EU levels, but often suffers from the common (mis)perception as being technological spectacle prioritising entertainment values. Many practitioners create immersive art to enable novel forms of creative engagement to address societal issues and enact change, but have difficulty gaining recognition and support for this endeavour. A critical challenge is the lack of knowledge about how their predominantly sensuous and aesthetic experience actually lead to collective change, which remains unrecognised in the current systems of impact evaluation predicated on quantitative analysis. Recent psychological insights on awe as a profoundly transformative emotion signals a possibility to address this challenge, offering a new way to make sense of the transformational effect of directly interacting with such affective qualities of immersive art. In parallel, there is a renewed interest in the practice of cultural mediation, which brings together different stakeholders to facilitate negotiation towards collective change in diverse domains of civic life, often through creative engagements. Our project forms strategic grounds for transdisciplinary research at the intersection between these two developments. We bring together experts in immersive art, psychology, cultural mediation, digital humanities, and design across Europe to explore: How can awe-experiences be enacted in immersive art and be extended towards societal transformation?