Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
A large council building in Leicester, its central HQ called City Hall, aims to link on site renewable energy (PV) generation to electric vehicles (EVs) used by the Council staff. Leicester City Hall based staff are utilising four EVs for their work and charging these, when possible, from local renewable energy (PV) generation. This study presents the analysis of the use of four such EVs and their charging profiles that take place at the City Hall.
This open access book presents a selection of the best contributions to the Digital Cities 9 Workshop held in Limerick in 2015, combining a number of the latest academic insights into new collaborative modes of city making that are firmly rooted in empirical findings about the actual practices of citizens, designers and policy makers. It explores the affordances of new media technologies for empowering citizens in the process of city making, relating examples of bottom-up or participatory practices to reflections about the changing roles of professional practitioners in the processes, as well as issues of governance and institutional policymaking.
Martijn de Waal bezocht op uitnodiging van Het Nieuwe Instituut de opening van de achtste editie van de architectuurbiënnale van Shenzhen. Naar aanleiding van zijn bezoek aan de tentoonstelling Eyes of the City schrijft hij over hoe de opkomst van camera's, AI en deep learning het leven in de stad verandert.