Dienst van SURF
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What do human rights look like when we present them as action-based, bottom-up concepts, and not exclusively as legal items? After all, when we narrow down human rights to a legal concept only, we do not do justice to its meaning. In many professions and branches the idea of human rights is used in jargon, as guiding principles and as a source of inspiration. Human rights make a difference, albeit not necessarily as an enforceable legal concept. This facet of human rights - its practical application beyond lawmakers and lawyers - is deeply underexplored and deserves much more attention. Applied human rights are not per se a matter of lawmaking and enforcement only: it can be part of a mission and vision of companies, it is sometimes at the core of artistic work, it can be a leading principle in social work - especially considering the rights of the child, and it is used as a guiding principle in technological innovation. Human rights are not just for lawyers, but also for managers, engineers, social workers, musicians, local governments, law enforcers, designers and business people. However, and not surprisingly, in each branch the impact and implications of human rights differ. Therefore, it is time for a comprehensive textbook in which the idea of human rights is not exclusively explored as a legal concept, but instead discussed from various applied perspectives. In this book, we explore human rights as an applied concept: as something we do. The chapters are written by an international group of leading experts in a wide range of disciplines and themes, including technology development, social studies, pedagogy, business strategy, public governance, the arts, philosophy and law.
The importance of specific professions for human rights realization is increasingly recognized. Journalists, teachers, and civil servants are all considered to play a role because their work affects individual rights. This is also the case for social workers. The connection between social work and human rights is evident in the large amount of literature explaining how human rights relate to social work. At the same time there is more attention for human rights localization. These fields of knowledge are related: social workers are local professionals and if they start applying human rights in their work this may influence human rights localization. This article contributes to existing debates on human rights localization by reflecting on the potential role of social workers in local human rights efforts in the Netherlands. Since human rights localization in general and human rights application in social work are recent phenomena in the Netherlands this provides a useful case study for a qualitative analysis on whether and how social workers can be regarded as actors in human rights localization. By connecting different actors that are said to play a role in human rights localization to proposed forms of human rights application by social workers this article identifies three possible roles for social workers in human rights localization: as human rights translators, as human rights advocates, and as human rights practitioners.
The realization of human rights standards depends in part on the commitment of local actors. It can be argued that local public service professionals such as social workers can also be regarded as key players. The possible role of social workers becomes imperative if these professionals are working in a policy context that is not congruent with human rights. If existing laws or policies cause or maintain disrespect for human rights, social workers are in a position to observe that this is having an adverse impact on clients. When social workers are regarded as human rights actors, the question arises how they can or should respond to law and policy that impedes them in carrying out their work with respect for human rights. This article adds to existing theories on social workers as human rights actors by examining the practices of social professionals working in such a challenging policy context. The research took place among professionals in social district teams in the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Following a series of decentralizations and austerity measures the social care landscape in the Netherlands has changed drastically over the last few years. As a result, social workers may find themselves on the one hand trying to realize the best possible care for their clients while on the other hand dealing with new laws and policy expectations focused on self-reliance and diminished access to specialist care. The article explores how social professionals’ responses to barriers in access to care affect human rights requirements. In doing so, this socio-legal study provides insight into the ways in which everyday social work relates to the realization of human rights at the local level.
Smart city technologies, including artificial intelligence and computer vision, promise to bring a higher quality of life and more efficiently managed cities. However, developers, designers, and professionals working in urban management have started to realize that implementing these technologies poses numerous ethical challenges. Policy papers now call for human and public values in tech development, ethics guidelines for trustworthy A.I., and cities for digital rights. In a democratic society, these technologies should be understandable for citizens (transparency) and open for scrutiny and critique (accountability). When implementing such public values in smart city technologies, professionals face numerous knowledge gaps. Public administrators find it difficult to translate abstract values like transparency into concrete specifications to design new services. In the private sector, developers and designers still lack a ‘design vocabulary’ and exemplary projects that can inspire them to respond to transparency and accountability demands. Finally, both the public and private sectors see a need to include the public in the development of smart city technologies but haven’t found the right methods. This proposal aims to help these professionals to develop an integrated, value-based and multi-stakeholder design approach for the ethical implementation of smart city technologies. It does so by setting up a research-through-design trajectory to develop a prototype for an ethical ‘scan car’, as a concrete and urgent example for the deployment of computer vision and algorithmic governance in public space. Three (practical) knowledge gaps will be addressed. With civil servants at municipalities, we will create methods enabling them to translate public values such as transparency into concrete specifications and evaluation criteria. With designers, we will explore methods and patterns to answer these value-based requirements. Finally, we will further develop methods to engage civil society in this processes.
INCLAVI will address the skills mismatches that exist in the aviation sector related to the freedom of movement of persons with disabilities and accessibility requirements in line with the EC Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030.The project accomplishes this through rigorous cooperation between key global industry and labour market actors combined with a world-class HEI and VET consortium. INCLAVI will also further improve the collaboration between HEIs and VET.INCLAVI will design and co-create a new training curriculum utilising expertise from HEI, VET and Industry Actors to support the reskilling of aviation sector employees and key target groups who have a role in the passenger journey of PwDs from door to door. The training will address students and professionals in areas of work related to travel agencies, airports, and airlines.
Het aantal winkelbezoekers loopt in Europa al jaren terug, vooral in economisch zwakkere regio’s. Dit geldt in het bijzonder voor ouderen, waarvan de verwachting is dat ze in de toekomst fysieke winkels nog meer de rug zullen toekeren. Om de winkelervaring te verbeteren, investeren winkeliers steeds meer in opkomende digitale technologieën zoals apps, interactieve en digitale schermen, sociale robots en zelfscankassa’s. Deze instore technologieën slaan vooral bij jongere klanten aan, oudere klanten blijken door hun beperkingen (o.a. zien, horen, mobiliteit, informatieverwerking en digitale vaardigheden) nog steeds veel barrières te ervaren bij het bezoek aan winkels en het gebruik van instore technologieën. Dit is niet alleen nadelig voor winkeliers omdat ouderen een substantieel, stijgend, en koopkrachtig deel van de bevolking vertegenwoordigen dat relatief trouw is aan regionale winkelgebieden, maar het zet ook de inclusie van ouderen in Europa onder druk omdat winkelbezoek bijdraagt aan hun sociale welbevinden. Met dit onderzoeksproject onderzoekt het nieuwe consortium van twee hogescholen en drie buitenlandse universiteiten hoe instore technologieën ouderen in Europa kunnen helpen bij het wegnemen van barrières om tot een goede winkelervaring te komen. Het project brengt de onderzoeksprogramma’s van het lectorenplatform Retail Innovation Platform (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hogeschool Saxion), de Retail en Marketingtechnologie groep (University of Bristol), de human-computer interaction groep (University of Calabria), en de engaging co-design research group (Aalto University) samen. Het project sluit aan bij nationale en Europese initiatieven zoals de Kennis- en Innovatieagenda Sleuteltechnologieën 2024-2027, The DIGITAL Europe Programme en de Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030. Door de relaties tussen ouderen, opkomende digitale technologie, en winkelgedrag over verschillende Europese regio’s te onderzoeken, sluit het project tevens aan bij Interreg Europa en het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling.