Als SPRONG-consortium SURE (SUstainable Cities and REgions) brengen wij technologische ontwikkelingen en sociale verandering bij elkaar vanuit een integraal perspectief. Daarom stelt SURE de mensen in de wijk centraal.
SURE richt zich op de KIA Energietransitie en Duurzaamheid, daarbinnen de IKIA Klimaat en Energie: CO2-emissies in elektriciteitssystemen en gebouwde omgeving terugdringen en de deel Kia voor Circulaire Economie. Vanuit expertise leveren we een relevante bijdrage aan het maatschappelijk vraagstuk passend bij deze KIA, en zien daarbij de noodzaak om de transdisciplinaire aanpak door te ontwikkelen en zo te werken aan de realisatie van slimme duurzame en leefbare steden voor en met burgers, inclusief kwetsbare groepen. In co-creatie met regionale en (inter)nationale partners, eigen opleidingen en instituten en wijkbewoners leren en werken we in regionale experimenteergebieden aan een duurzame energietransitie.
For future generations to meet their needs, and to close the global inequality gap, we need to degrow. That is we need to reduce resource and energy consumption to bring the economy back into balance with the living world in a way that reduces inequality and improves human well-being (Hickel, 2020a,b). This transition has consequences for business, because instead of boosting sales companies need to encourage consumers to make do with less, avoiding build in obsolescence, extending product lives to slow disposal and replacement, focusing on satisfying ‘needs’ rather than ‘wants’ and reducing overall resource consumption through conscious changes in sales and marketing techniques, new revenue models and innovative technology solutions (Bocken & Short, 2016). Overall, we can say that companies have to rethink their business models, therefore I specifically aim to answer the following research question: what could a degrowth business model framework look like? Degrowth business models (DGMs) are supposed to serve the dual aim of (1) obeying planetary boundaries whilst simultaneously (2) contributing to reducing inequality and increasing well-being. That is companies need to develop value propositions that, on the one hand contribute to absolutely reducing resource and energy consumption, and on the other are aimed at production of protected needs (Di Giulio & Defila, 2021). Since degrowth is considered an authentic and legitimate interpretation of sustainable development, SDGs 12-16 can serve as proxies for obeying planetary boundaries, whilst the remaining SDGs (minus SDG8.1 -economic growth) can be regarded as proxies for well-being and reducing inequality.
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