"How can we transform neighbourhoods in a child-friendly way to increase the quality of life for all citizens?"
Metamorphosis starts from the premise that when a neighbourhood has many children on its public spaces, this is a major indicator that it is well designed as a sustainable neighbourhood. The word sustainability itself is already inseparably combined with children as it implicates “designed for the next generations”.
Metamorphosis focuses on children – but not only that, children will also play a crucial role in most Work Packages of the project. They will act as ambassadors, driving forces, encouragers of actions, translators, evaluators, investigators and in many more roles. As such, children represent an enormous added value to achieve unconventional and innovative findings, methods and implementations.
Aim project
The project has started in June 2017 and will last for three years. Twelve partners from seven European countries work together on this project to achieve the following goal: “Transformation of neighbourhoods in a child-friendly way to increase the quality of life for all citizens.”
Mobility is also a social and economic need. The availability of transport options and the way they are offered may pose various challenges for the mobility of citizens. The biggest challenge is to avoid social and spatial inequalities in urban and also rural areas, which include preventing discrimination against vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. These barriers are not only financial or technical, but also come from political, social and institutional factors. How can mobility management improve access to mobility? How to improve transport links to contribute to combating social exclusion?
Sustainable urban mobility is an established target of policy making and planning in Europe. It is associated with, among others, better air quality, less noise disturbance, increased safety and quality of public space. In this regard, one of the EU Commission’s main tools to achieve sustainable urban mobility, through Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), require the explicit integration of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Yet, European cities face common barriers when it comes to materialising M&E in practice. To avoid or overcome these barriers, this paper argues for integrating Capacity Building (CB). We draw this conclusion based on experiences made during the M&E and CB of the Horizon 2020 Project ‘Metamorphosis’. We report our experiences, rating different monitoring indicators used for the evaluation of measures transforming car-oriented neighbourhoods into children-friendly neighbourhoods in seven European cities. We then give advice on how to design and integrate CB for a feasible M&E scheme.
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