
Meaningful Music in Health Care


Since 2015, the research group Lifelong Learning in Music of Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, together with the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), has developed and researched the MiMiC practice for patients and nurses on surgical wards. The musicians make tailor-made music in the patients' rooms in collaboration with patients and nurses. They do this on the basis of verbal and non-verbal contact with patients and nurses. Person-centred music-making turns out to be easy to realise in a medical setting and to be meaningful for all involved. People who have just had surgery experience less pain. Nurses feel more deeply involved with their patients. Musicians show sensitivity for the social context in which they carry out their artistic practice.
In this project the research group is developing an innovative artistic practice with a focus on elderly patients. Musicians work with patients and the care staff that are taking care of these patients during their stay in hospital. The research should lead to insights in the effects of this practice and to a new training for master students and professional musicians who want wish to specialise themselves in this field. Pilots on six different wards of the UMCG with professional musicians and master students are part of the research which will last two years in its entirety. The project has been granted funding from the 'Banning de Jong Fonds' of the national 'Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds' and the 'Fonds Sluyterman van Loo'.



    Muziek in een ziekenhuis:

    Musici ontwikkelen steeds vaker projecten voor de gezondheidszorg. In dit artikel analyseert Karolien Dons hoe ze precies vorm geven aan deze participatieve muziekpraktijken. Ze verkent daarbij de nieuwe rollen die musici innemen en hun manieren om daadwerkelijk tot co-creatie te komen met patiënten en zorgmedewerkers.



    Navigating power relations in a collaborative music practice in a hospital

    This chapter focuses on some of the opportunities and challenges of shifting power relations for musicians, through the particular lens of western classical musicians engaged in researching a participatory music practice in a hospital in the Netherlands. It provides some context to power relations in the field of professional music making. From such a holistic perspective, power relations that musicians experience are likely to shift as they move from the conventions of the concert stage to the context of a hospital ward. Power relations in the western classical music tradition, and professional education associated with it, are clearly strongly embedded within the cultural systems, albeit often at tacit levels and partly obscured by a dominating focus on “artistic quality”. The co-existence of such authorial and collaborative strategies to help steer through the power relations appears throughout the rest of the visit, to the point where it is hard to distinguish between them.



    If Music be the Food of Love, Play on







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