
Interreg North Sea Region project 'RIGHT skills for the RIGHT future' (RIGHT).


An Interreg North Sea Region (NSR) co-funded project which aims to enhance regional innovation support capacity to increase long-term innovation levels and support smart specialisation strategies. To achieve this, RIGHT concentrates its efforts on developing the skills of the workforce relevant for SMEs in the participating regions within the energy and blue sectors.



    Barn Talk Podcast: De coronacrisis en de arbeidsmarkt

    Kansen? Bedreigingen?Harm van Lieshout, lector Human Capital bij de Hanzehogeschool Groningen, benadrukt dat een crisis er al aan zat te komen in de theorie van de 7 vette en de 7 magere jaren. Kan het dan maar beter even hard gaan? En gaat het dan snel weer beter? Of komt corona er bij? En hoeveel bedrijven ervaren problemen of verwachten problemen? Ton Schroor, directeur VNO-NCW MKB Noord benadrukt dat het naïef is om te denken dat je zo maar iedereen kan omscholen maar dat ook niet alles stil ligt. Grote bedrijven met reserves kunnen nu de energietransitie een extra zetje geven door de juiste investeringen te doen. Leni Beukema, lector Duurzaam HR, merkt daarbij op dat een belangrijk potentieel in duurzame arbeidskrachten zoals de mindervaliden hierin niet vergeten moeten worden. Jan-jaap Aué, directeur van EnTranCe – Centre of Expertise Energy is een echte optimist maar het staat natuurlijk vast dat de energietransitie een enorme investering is, wat gebeurt er met alle ambities als die investering onder druk komt te staan? Martijn Kleverlaan, manager energietransitie NAM, licht het toe vanuit het perspectief van de NAM. Buiten kijf staat dat de gaswinning in Groningen stopt maar belangrijk is wel dat de transitie zich op meerdere vlakken afspeelt en in grote maar ook vooral in kleinere coöperaties. Nu niet bezuinigen is een gedeelde mening en hoe zit het met de reserves van de provincie Groningen, kunnen die ingezet worden voor de energietransitie?Een gesprek tussen het bedrijfsleven, lectoren en de ondernemersorganisatie van Noord-Nederland. Wij zijn nu aan zet wat betreft de vernieuwing, nu nog de zo nodige verbindingen maken.



    Trans-Regional Report RIGHT

    As the first order of business in the RIGHT project, each region produced and published its own regional report, using an underlying format developed in work package 3 in this project (Manickam & van Lieshout, 2018). The format and the regional work consisted of three parts. Part 1 is the Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) mapping to provide a qualitative understanding of the region’s innovation ecosystem with regards to its Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). This part is divided into a socio-economic and R&D profile mapping and a SWOT analysis. The RIE is an adaptation of a methodology and tool used by the eDIGIREGION Project. This part is to be filled in by desk research and consulting regional experts (through interviews and/or focus groups). This part is used for mapping the own regional ecosystems, information for the partners to get to know the other regions and to be able to identify relevant similarities and differences across the regions, which in turn, will be reported in part 1 of this trans-regional report. Regions themselves chose their own sector focus. One could focus on either energy of the blue sector, or both. Part 2 focuses on the innovation capacity and needs of SMEs from the chosen sector(s). The questions are adapted from a systemic study on cluster developments, in which an analysis model was developed (Manickam, 2018). It is based on (on average) six face-to-face interviews with SMEs from the sector. The outputs of these interviews were summarised into one template, in English, by each partner region to allow for joint analysis and comparison that is in turn reported in part 2 of this report Part 3 introduced the Job Forecasting and Skills Gaps mapping using the JOES templates as developed by van Lieshout et al. (2017). To gain an appreciation of the extent and nature of skills gap, each region was asked to analyse current and potential future labour demand, workforce, and discrepancies between the two, in up to 2 businesses. For obvious reasons (confidentiality and privacy), the JOEs will not be published separately, nor will their information be used in the report in a way that would be traceable to specific businesses. We will use exemplary information from them for illustrative purposes in Parts 1 and 2 of this report where relevant.



    Regional RIGHT Report on Energy Sector Groningen

    This report consists of two parts and describes the highlights of the investigations carried out in the Province of Groningen as part of the Right Project to understand the Regional Innovation Ecosystem in the region. The first part is focusses on the socio-economic and R&D profile (Part 1A) and a SWOT analysis on salient aspects related to Regional Innovation Ecosystems (Part 1B). The second part (Part 2) focuses on the SME innovation capacity and needs, and presents the highlights of 6 interviews with SMEs in the region. The RIGHT project, an Interreg North Sea Program, will contribute to territorial growth in the North Sea Region by connecting smart specialisation strategies to human capital and the skills of the workforce by defining existing and potential regional growth sectors and sub-sectors.







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