
Intelligente Monitoring van Licht Verstandelijk Gehandicapten


Een project met zorgaanbieder NOVO en system integrator Avics om een sensorsysteem te ontwikkelen ter ondersteuning van licht verstandelijk gehandicapten.Vele praktijklessen geleerd over gezamenlijke ontwikkeling en implementatie van een innovatief systeem in de zorg.Een project met zorgaanbieder NOVO en system integrator Avics om een sensorsysteem te ontwikkelen ter ondersteuning van licht verstandelijk gehandicapten.



    Agile development as a change management approach in Healthcare Innovation Projects

    Although many pilots with new eHealth products have been developed, only very few of these products reach widespread adoption within healthcare organisations. The literature mentions a wide range of bottlenecks for the acceptance of new technology in the healthcare industry, among which insufficient attention for change management and acceptance by intended users. In this paper, we argue that agile software development, with its practices for user involvement and product visibility, can be used as a change management approach in healthcare innovation projects. We compare agile methods with the change approach of Kotter (1995). As an illustration of our theoretical findings, we describe a development project of an innovative eHealth application to support the care for persons with intellectual disability.


    Agile development as a change management approach in Healthcare Innovation Projects






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