
Entertainment and creative video game development policy.


This project covers multiple avenues of work on regional, national, and international policy discourse around the entertainment and creative (e.g. artistic) video game sector. Historically, policy makers have been wary of supporting the video game industry, but the diverse and modern video games industry deserves support and investment to build its presence in education, society, and business. Directing this support for the greatest impact requires informed decisions.

This work continues the successful research of the Gaming Horizons project and its publications and activities.



    Designing immersive sustainable food experiences in augmented reality: a consumer participatory co-creation approach

    In light of the current debate on the impact of our current food system on climate changeand related mitigation strategies, addressing the acceptance of sustainability aspects within consumerbehavioral issues is of vital importance. However, the field remains mute on how those strategies canbe designed and employed effectively to stimulate sustainable food consumption behavior. Immersivenarrative design is a promising approach to engaging consumers in this context. Within this study, weshed light on how to create immersive, impactful, interactive narratives in augmented reality (AR)together with consumers. We propose a novel approach to how those stories can be planned, utilizingparticipatory design methods. Within a step-wise process, we develop the storyboard together withconsumers. In the next step, we evaluate multiple approaches with AR application developers onhow this storyline can be enhanced in AR considering the perspective of various stakeholders likedevelopers, behavioral scientists, and consumers. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework for howimmersive narratives can be designed and validated in a collaborative, multidimensional approachfor impactful AR narrative content designs to stimulate sustainable food behavior for consumers.


    Designing immersive sustainable food experiences in augmented reality: a consumer participatory co-creation approach

    Breda Game City - what makes a location an appealing game development hub?
