
Why literature?

language teachers’ subject-specific beliefs and practices in a CLIL context


Research into how and why language teachers use literature as content is presented to explore one aspect of various pedagogical and collaborative practices open to language teachers in CLIL contexts. Language teachers’ beliefs and practices are examined based on a literature review, focus group study, survey, and multiple-case study.
The question how and why language teachers shape practices using literature as content is considered, drawing on research into the pedagogical and collaborative practices of language teachers in CLIL contexts. The presentation brings together findings from a literature review, focus group study, survey, and multiple-case study to exemplify and explain the practices of language teachers in CLIL who turn to literature as their content. A dynamic framework for locating and explicating the pedagogical and collaborative practices of language teachers in CLIL contexts (Dale, Oostdam, & Verspoor, 2017) derived from a literature review is presented. The views of different stakeholders in CLIL in the Netherlands in relation to the teaching of literature, based on a focus group study are discussed (Dale, Oostdam, & Verspoor, 2018a). The findings of a survey into the stated beliefs and practices of Teachers of English in Bilingual Streams (TEBs) in the Netherlands with regard to the teaching of literature (Dale, Oostdam, & Verspoor, 2018b) are presented. Two case descriptions representing prototypical practices of language teachers taking literature as content are introduced (Dale, Oostdam, & Verspoor, submitted). ]



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