Breastfeeding has important health consequences, not only for infants, but also for mothers (Victora et al., 2016). However, many mothers stop breastfeeding before the advised six month period. Research indicates that difficulties associated with combining work and breastfeeding are an important reason for mothers to discontinue breastfeeding prematurely (Peeters, Lanting, & Van Wouwe, 2015). One important issue in this respect seems to be that in many organizations a lactation room is either lacking or of poor quality. This study examines the relationship between objective and subjective lactation room quality, mood, relaxation, and behavioral determinants of pumping milk at work: attitude, social norms, perceived behavioral control and intention.First, an observation list was developed and pre-tested to determine objective lactation room quality. Then, 511 lactating women completed a questionnaire that included questions about objective and subjective lactation room quality, mood, relaxation, attitude, social norms, perceived behavioral control and intention towards pumping milk at work. Regression analyses showed that both objective and subjective lactation room quality is positively related to mood, relaxation, social norms and perceived behavioral control towards pumping milk at work. Notably mothers’ subjective experience of the room mediated the relationships between objective lactation room quality and mood, relaxation, and social norms and perceived behavioral control. The results of this study show that lactation room quality can potentially impact the process of pumping milk at work in important ways. It is important to further explore the causality of this relationship and its potential effects in experimental settings.
Borstvoeding heeft belangrijke gezondheidseffecten, voor zowel kinderen als moeders. Een halve eeuw geleden vond borstvoeding bijna nooit tegelijk met werk plaats aangezien vrouwen stopten met werken als ze trouwden, maar tegenwoordig werken moeders vaak door. Daarom is het belangrijk om te onderzoeken hoe de combinatie van arbeid en borstvoeding het best kan worden gefaciliteerd. Uit recent onderzoek blijkt namelijk dat de combinatie van werken en borstvoeding één van de belangrijkste redenen is om vroegtijdig te stoppen met borstvoeding. De gebouwde omgeving, in de vorm van kolfkamers, is belangrijk om de combinatie van borstvoeding en werken zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen. Op dit moment ontbreekt echter kennis over de invloed van de gebouwde omgeving op vrouwen die borstvoeding geven en/of kolven op het werk: dit is dan ook de focus van het huidige promotieonderzoek.