In this publication you will find:Hosting the hybrid cityThis is a text in which Hermen Maat and Karen Lancel provide insights into the meaning of the word ‘role’ and into the position of the role of the ‘host’ in their own artistic practice. Their artistic research into this role was the starting point for both research modulesThe artist as host: on theories and interactive networked mushrooms.In the second text Hermen Maat clarifies how he translated this concept into two teaching modules. He explains how in one module the focus of the search was interesting examples of artist’s roles, and how in the other module technical issues shed a different light on the relationship between artist and audience.Student researchAfter this, you will find the work of students, introduced by Hermen Maat. Contributions from the theme class:Anna Weyer, Germany; Chan Lai Kuen, Malaysia; Katrina Jongsma, Canada; Rosemarie Pringle, Germany; Angie Daniels, South Africa/Germany; Niya Konstantinova, Bulgaria; Gothards Prieditis, Latvia; Ruben Jager,Netherlands. Contributions from the interactive media class: Helena Van Zuylen, Netherlands; Suzanne Vellema, Netherlands; Vanina Tsvetkova, Bulgaria; Jorine Homan, Netherlands; Cindy Wegner, Germany; Lotte Middendorp, Netherlands; Sander Bos, Netherlands; Chan Lai Kuen, Malaysia; Iris Leenknegt, Netherlands.The urgency of the role of the host In the afterword Anke Coumans, professor of the research group Image in Context, talks about the importance of this research for the work of the Centre of Applied Research and Innovation Art & Society into the new roles of artists and designers in society.