
Telehomecare in The Netherlands: Barriers to implementation


Telehomecare is one of the technological solutions used by older persons to remain living at home in their
own community. A selection of 85 Dutch telehomecare projects was examined in terms of the barriers to their
implementation. Three categories of telehomecare technologies were distinguished: (i) remote telecare, (ii)
activity monitoring, and (iii) a category comprising telemedicine and e-health solutions and services. There
are numerous barriers to the implementation of telehomecare technologies. In the majority of the Dutch
telehomecare projects, the needs of both care recipients and family carers are addressed. The integration of
needs derived from one's health condition and the requirements set to technology are not always a match.
Some projects give consideration to how to get commitment of the care professionals and their managers.
Only a few projects consider economic aspects, for instance by the development of a social business case.
To lift the barriers to the implementation of telehomecare, a better exchange of knowledge and experiences
related to functionalities and user needs, the use of home modifications and assistive technologies, as well as
the available care support should be considered.



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