
Sports Psychology 101


Sports psychology remains a hot topic in equestrian sports, but many of the key principles continue to be absent among top coaches and their students. So how do we move this discipline forward and ensure everyone receives the mental training and skills they require to perform to their full potential? In this podcast episode, Dr. Inga Wolframm, professor 'Sustainable Equestrianism' at Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, discusses surrounding sports psychology and when/how it should be incorporated into a rider’s program. Inga provides examples of how small changes to a rider’s movement (for example, increased stiffness in muscles due to stress), can impact how the rider communicates with the horse, leading to a cascade of changes and negative effects. Common behavioral and performance issues in the competition ring can often be traced back to small changes in a rider’s equitation brought about by anxiety. Inga also discusses the three types of goals and how a rider should set goals to ensure they can be achieved and built upon. Conversely, Inga dives into why most athletes fail to achieve their goals and how this can create a negative feedback loop that makes success virtually impossible.



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