Abstract—A survey was conducted among 20 Dutch hospitals
about radiation protection for interventional fluoroscopy. This
was a follow-up of a previous study in 2007 that led to several recommendations
for radiation protection for interventional fluoroscopy.
The results indicate that most recommendations have been
followed. However, radiation-induced complications from interventional
procedures are still often not recorded in the appropriate register.
Furthermore, even though professionals with appropriate
training in radiation protection are usually involved in interventional
procedures, this often is not the case when these procedures
are carried out outside the radiology department. Although this involvement
is not required by Dutch law, it is recommended to have
radiation protection professionals present more often at interventional
procedures. Further improvements in radiation protection
for interventional fluoroscopy may come from a comparison of
dose-reducing practices among hospitals, the introduction of diagnostic
reference levels for interventional procedures, and a more
thorough form of screening and follow-up of patients