
Investigation of the dynamic inflow effects due to collective and individual pitch steps on a wind tunnel setup


Dynamic inflow effects occur due to the rapid change of the rotor loading under
conditions such as fast pitch steps. The paper presents a setup suitable for the investigation of
those effects for non-axisymmetric rotor conditions, namely individual pitch steps. Furthermore, insights into the relevant phenomena are gathered. An individual pitch control capable model wind turbine is set up in a wind tunnel in order to conduct measurement under controllable conditions. During the execution of the collective and individual pitch steps, the loads and the operational parameters are recorded by the onboard sensors. Meanwhile, simulations engineering aeroelastic codes are run in order to evaluate their accuracy for predicting the relevant phenomena. Results show distinct behaviour of the rotor loads during an individual pitch step, which differs from the loads under collective steps. The free vortex wake simulations are able to predict the turbines’ response satisfactory while the blade element momentum tools show deviations from the measurements. The findings serve as a basis for discussion and future work.




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