
De betekenis van het jongerenwerk voor preventie

Een stand van zaken


The relevance of professional youth work for prevention

Professional youth work is one of the social work professions. Dutch municipalities need insight into the contribution of professional youth work to prevention and reduction of youth care. In this paper we analyze data collected between 2011-2015 on the functioning and results of four classic youth work methods: ‘Group work’, ‘Detached Youth Work’, ‘Information and Advice’ and ‘Counselling Services’. The studies were explorative and have been analyzed with descriptive statistics. We conclude that the contribution of professional youth work can be: (1) to form an alternative for a significant other and/or positive peer groups in the neighborhood; (2) to strengthen the self-awareness and forethought of young people; (3) to strengthen the societal and economic participation of young people; and (4) to target institutions. Effect-research is needed to determine the actual contribution.



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