
Advancing Gender Equality Among Professors at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences: A Comprehensive Analysis (2023-2024)


Our study looks at gender differences among professors at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Despite progress in female representation in higher education, women still make up only 43% of professors as of 2024. While this is a 12% increase from last year, gender gaps persist. Specifically, the Faculty of Business and Education has only 29% women in professor positions. In contrast, the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries and the Faculty of Health have more balanced gender distributions, with 50% and 55% women as full professors, respectively. We suggest AUAS should keep working to balance gender in full professor roles by strengthening executive commitment, setting clear goals, and monitoring progress closely. Our analysis has certain limitations. We lack specific details regarding the professors' appointment hours and their salary scale information. Furthermore, the recent inclusion of associate professors has not been accounted for in our analysis.



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