
Youth, Education and Society



The research group Youth, Education and Society contributes to the healthy growth and participation of youth in the Northern Netherlands. We do this by engaging in practice-oriented and innovative research projects, in which we want to answer questions such as:

How do youth professionals in the social educational domain work in practice and what can they do to stimulate the development of all children? 
Can we improve or innovate this effectively and meaningfully?
How do new partnerships such as integral child centers, district teams and appropriate education partnerships work and how can we use interprofessional cooperation to stimulate the growth of all children and youth?

Who are we?
The research group Youth, Education and Society is a network organization. It consists of four learning assignments Diversity in Learning and Behaviour, Language Functioning & Healthy Ageing, Youth & Environment and Integrated Approach Child Abuse and two collaborating professorships Arts Education and Movement Education and Youth Sport. Together we make a greater or lesser contribution to the core theme of Healthy Ageing. 


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